Poetry and Drama Workshop
Our poetry workshops are jam-packed with buzz and excitement. These sessions created to help those involved hone their writing skills and venture into new and exciting material.
The aims of these workshops are:
To help young people see poetry can be exciting and dynamic.
To help young people view poetry as a positive way to deal with mental health
To equip young people with innovative performances and page poetry to inspire young people to write their own original poems and learn how to express themselves in various ways.
To help young people use drama techniques as a way to bring their page poetry to life.
PSHE Workshop
Our PSHE workshops are designed in an inclusive and interactive way. The bespoke workshops can cover any area of the core themes of:
Health and Wellbeing
Living in the Wider World.
The PSHE workshops are mapped against the PSHE Association’s programme of study for personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education. They will be written to sit alongside the 2014 National Curriculum and has been updated to reflect the rapidly changing world in which our pupils live and learn.
As well as exploring the desired aspect of the PSHE curriculum, the workshops will always have an outcome where pupils will write a poem, rap or song that relates to the issues explored in the session as a plenary and consolidation of what was learned in the session.
Rap and Hip-Hop Workshop
This bespoke workshop is similar to a GhettoGeek Poetry and Drama workshop but instead young people will have the opportunity to analyse rap lyrics instead of page poems as a method to explore issues the school want pupils to consider.
Pupils will get the opportunity to learn rap literacy techniques, write their own raps and perform them to hip-hop beats.
The aims of these workshops are:
To help young people use rap as a positive way to deal with mental health
To equip young people with innovative rap skills needed to write their own bars
To help young people use poetry techniques as a way to to create their rap lyrics.
Behaviour Management (Staff only)
This bespoke behaviour management INSET or twilight session is delivered by a SEMH advisory teacher with over 15 years experience of delivering Lee Canter’s Assertive Discipline behaviour management training for schools nationwide.
The aim is to help staff use positive behaviour management strategies to improve the quality of teaching and learning.
Staff will
Understand the key principles of Assertive Discipline®
Understand the personal skills needed to implement the principlesof an Assertive Discipline® practitioner
Explore and practice using the‘scripts’ and non-verbal communication needed to be an Assertive Discipline® professional